
The links below will direct you to the Vink policy on the various topics

Any person (staff, suppliers, customers, even the general public) may report instances of unethical bahaviour on via this website or by e-mail to

Vink’s shall conduct its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards of honesty fairness and transparency.

Vink does not condone any form of giving or receiving of bribes, facilitation fees, or any other guise under which these are given.

All Vink activities must be lawful and all transactions must be processed accurately and promptly in accordance with recognised accounting rules and the company policies.

Employees are expected to act in the best interest of the Vink at all times.

Employees are not permitted to enter into any private arrangements with competitors.

Employees must respect the confidentiality of information concerning the affairs of Vink, its customers, suppliers and employees. Such information may not be disclosed to any third party except as:
a. Required by law
b. Permitted expressly by relevant company policy
c. Permitted in writing by a member of the Vink Executive

The receiving or giving of entertainment, hospitality and gifts by employees must be done at an appropriate level in an open and honest manner and must avoid compromising the commercial decision of those involved.

Employees must advise their manager or Regional COO if they become aware of any contravention of the Vink Business Ethics Policy.

Whistle blowing’ means the reporting by Vink employees, suppliers or customers of suspected misconduct, illegal acts or failure to act in compliance with Vink company policy or law applicable on a country

The aim of the Vink Whistleblowing is policy is to encourage employees, suppliers or customers, who have serious concerns about any aspect regarding the legitimacy of Vink operations to come forward and voice those concerns.

The Vink Whistleblowing policy is designed to ensure that affected parties can raise concerns about wrongdoing or malpractice within Vink without fear of victimisation, subsequent discrimination, disadvantage or dismissal.

It is also intended to encourage and enable employees to raise serious concerns within Vink rather than ignoring a problem.

Vink does not tolerate any form of harassment or victimisation of a whistleblower.

Vink will take appropriate action to protect employees that raise concerns in good faith in so far as the employee is not involved in the reported wrongdoing.

Any instances of harassment or victimisation of a whistleblower can be reported via this ethics portal or by e-mailing such a complaint to

Vink is committed to uphold responsible and fair business practices and to maintain the highest level of ethical standards in relation to all its business activities and will not condone bribery or corruption in any form by any employee, customer, supplier or associated person.

All Vink employees are required to comply with any anti-bribery, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering legislation within any country in which Vink conducts its business.

Bribery of any kind is strictly prohibited and under no circumstances should any employee request or elicit a bribe in any form nor should they become involved with any customer, supplier or associated person that is requesting a bribe from Vink.

Any payment to a public official or associated person to facilitate any official procedure or process in any country is strictly prohibited.

The giving or receiving of business gifts or entertainment is permitted provided that the gift is appropriate to the level of business and meets the following requirements:
a. The gift is not intended to influence a customer, supplier or associated party to retain business or provide a business advantage
b. It is in Vink’s name, not an individual
c. It is not cash or a cash equivalent, or exchangeable for cash
d. It is given overtly
e. It is of nominal value

The Vink Health and Safety corporate aim is continuous improvement in the standards of health and safety.

Vink management at all levels must ensure, through good communication, instruction and personal example, that all employees understand the objectives of the Vink Health and Safety Policy.

Vink regards the promotion of health, safety and welfare measures as a mutual responsibility of itself and all of its employees, visitors and all other persons in the environment of the business.

In particular, and so far as is reasonably practicable, Vink undertakes to:
a. Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, with appropriate welfare facilities and arrangements for its employees whilst at work.
b. Provide information, training, instruction and supervision for employees to enable them to perform their work safely and efficiently.
c. Arrange for the safe use, handling, storage, disposal and transport of any articles and substances that are inherently or potentially dangerous.
d. Provide all necessary safety devices, protective clothing and equipment, and to supervise and control their use.
e. Maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters, especially when new or changed methods of work, or equipment are proposed, and consult and involve employees in these matters

Employees have a responsibility for their personal safety as well as for the safety and wellbeing of other persons whilst at work. In particular they are required to:
a. Perform their work activities safely.
b. Use the safety devices and protective clothing provided for the intended purposes.
c. Comply with all statutory obligations and the company’s policies and procedures.
d. Assist with the investigation of accidents, near misses and incidents and in the identification and promotion of measures to prevent recurrence.
e. Report to their immediate manager any unsafe plant and equipment, unsafe practices and methods of work, and any incidents that have led, or may lead, to injury or damage.
f. Refrain from the wilful misuse of, or interference with, anything provided in the interests of health and safety.

All matters related to privacy of personal information is governed in detail by written policies and procedures, which all Vink companies are expected to abide by.

To ensure that personal information is treated lawfully and correctly, Vink endorses and adheres to the principles of Data Protection, as detailed in the European Commissions’ General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

All Vink business entities are required adhere to the provisions of the GDPR and the related Vink policies, regardless of whether or not the business entity is geographically situated in an European Union country.

Vink is aware that its operations can have an impact on the environment and is therefore committed to the following:
a. Increasing the positive environmental impact and seeking to reduce the negative environmental impact of its operations wherever possible
b. Complying with legislative and ethical standards concerning care of the environment in the country of operation
c. Sourcing and supplying products with low environmental impact whenever possible
d. Defining the methods for identification, control and disposal of products that have several handling and waste treatment needs
e. Continual environmental improvement in respect of the products it supplies, its internal use of resources and prevention of pollution

Vink will manage the waste it generates using the best practical environmental option through optimised reuse, recycling and recovery.

Vink waste shall be managed in accordance with all legal requirements as prescribed by the various laws in the various geographic regions that the company is represented in.

Vink seeks to minimise waste by working with suppliers to consider options to reduce packaging on products and applies controls in-house on resources management, such as the use of stationery and office paper.

All Vink operations are required to comply with relevant environmental legislation and provide data or information to the regulators on time and in the format required.

Vink shall regularly review options to reduce the consumption of energy and water throughout its premises and shall continually consider options for energy efficiency.

Vink shall seek to reduce the impact of vehicle emissions by ensuring that all Vink owned vehicles are well maintained.

This policy applies to each employee or prospective employee regardless of sex, marital status, disability and race, country of origin, religion, age or sexual orientation.

Vink is committed to promoting inclusivity, equality and diversity in our policies, practices and procedures and to the elimination of unlawful discrimination in employment.

Although opportunities for promotion are open to any appropriately qualified employee, a transfer or promotion is not guaranteed. Where external appointments are necessary Vink will seek only to attract the highest quality of new staff and all interviews will deal only with the applicant’s suitability for the job and ability to fulfil the job requirements.

Anti-Slavery Statement
Vink is committed to maintaining the highest ethical standards, and to maintaining and improving our policies and processes in order to avoid any potential complicity in human rights violations related to our operations or supply chain. In this regard Vink will endeavour to continuously ascertain that our suppliers uphold similar values and that they too have adequate anti-slavery measures in place.

Anti-Child Labour Statement
In the conduct of our business, Vink:
a. Shall not employ children that fall in the definition as stipulated by ILO Convention*, notwithstanding any national law or local regulation of the countries in which Vink operates.
b. Shall comply with all other child labour laws applicable in the various countries in which Vink operates, including those laws related to wages, hours worked, overtime and working conditions.
c. Is against all forms of exploitation of children. Vink shall not provide employment to children before they have reached the legal age to have completed their compulsory education, as defined by the relevant authorities in the respective countries.
d. Expects that its trading partners have, and uphold similar standards, and abide by country-governing laws in countries that they operate in. Should violation of these principles become known to Vink and not be remedied, Vink shall take action, which may include the discontinuation of the business relationship.

* Definition Child labour: As defined by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention is “work by children under the age of 12; work by children under the age of 15 that prevents school attendance; and work by children under of age of 18 that is hazardous to the physical or mental health of the child.“

Vink shall adhere to international sanctioning regimes, including the sanctions regulations of the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU) and its member states, and the United States (US). In addition, Vink shall also adhere to local sanction regulations of the respective countries in which the company operates.

In certain cases Vink may apply a stricter policy than external sanction regulations require. Vink will re-assess this policy on the basis of its own periodic risk analysis.

Management shall ensure that country specific trade restriction lists are compiled and maintained for all countries falling within their scope of responsibility, and that such trading restrictions are adhered to.

When compiling trading restriction lists, careful consideration must be given to the various levels of trading restriction(s) that may apply (e.g. a total restriction versus a restriction on certain types of good(s) only).

Management shall ensure that trade restriction lists are communicated to Profit Centre MAnagers in a timely manner whenever they are updated.

Profit Centre Managers shall ensure that no trading activities take place with:
a. any country
b. any entity based in a country, or for
c. any good(s)
for which trading restrictions applies.
